The Center for Innovative Learning Technologies Knowledge Network (CILTKN) was founded and run by Dr. Christopher Hoadley at SRI International from 1998-2002. From 2002-2004, was run by SRI and directed by Melissa Koch, project manager for CILT. SRI decided to close the CILTKN at the end of the CILT funding and is urging prior members to join the LESTER site at Rice University.
Click here to visit LESTER.
Click here to visit the CILT archival website
Update: CILTKN email forwarding, which had been supported voluntarily by Penn State University's dolcelab, will be disabled for all former CILTKN members who had an email address on AOL as of August 29, 2006. All other former CILTKN members' email forwarding should continue to work on whatever address was last on file with CILTKN.
March 29, 2004 Dear CILTKN member, Thank you for your contributions to and participation in CILTKN (Center for Innovative Learning Technologies Knowledge Network). CILTKN was conceived as a resource for information for, by, and about the learning technology research and development community. It includes information about researchers, research institutions, and research projects; course syllabi; bibliographic references; an email forwarding service; and a bulletin board for collaborations to share and identify research collaborators. CILT (Center for Innovative Learning Technologies) researchers have learned a great deal from the development and implementation of CILTKN. As CILT completes its mission and funding cycle, we plan to share this knowledge with the learning sciences and technology community by making CILTKN code and supporting documentation available at To continue to develop a knowledge networking resource for the learning sciences, CILTKN is joining forces with LESTER (Learning Science and Technology Repository) run by Rice University under the direction of Dr. Lisa Spiro. LESTER is a resource for the learning sciences and technology community to locate and interact with innovative research projects and researchers. LESTER is planning to integrate several of CILTKN's features, including its syllabi collection, online bibliography, listing of research projects and centers, and bulletin board for collaborations. LESTER will not continue CILTKNās email forwarding service. We invite you to register for membership in the LESTER community at The LESTER team actively maintains its database of research projects and has gone through CILTKN to identify and catalog current research projects. In addition, Dr. Christopher Hoadley, CILTKN director emeritus, has joined the LESTER advisory board. The CILTKN web site will shut its doors officially on Friday, May 28, 2004. After this date, you will no longer be able to access the CILTKN web site. An alternative email forwarding service may be in place. You will receive an announcement in late May if such a service is available. We thank you for being a part of CILTKN, and invite you to continue to be part of the learning sciences and technology knowledge-generating community by joining LESTER. Sincerely, Melissa Koch, CILT Project Manager, SRI International Dr. Lisa Spiro, Project Manager, LESTER