University at Buffalo
583 Baldy Hall
Buffalo NY 14260 USA
+1 (716) 645-7787
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Ph.D. (1999), Interdepartmental Graduate Group in Science and Math Education (SESAME). Thesis committee: Marcia C. Linn (chair), Andrea diSessa, Peter Lyman.
Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM
Summer School in Complex Systems (1996). Neural networks, chaos, fractals, and non-linear dynamics in biological and physical systems. Researched dynamics of multiagent social learning systems.
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
M.S. in Computer Science (1998). Option areas: Artificial intelligence, and MIG (multimedia, interfaces, and graphics). Thesis advisor: Michael Clancy.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
S.B. in Cognitive Science with Thesis Option (1991). Major concentration in Computer Science; humanities concentration in Music. Thesis advisor: Susan Carey.
University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, NY
Professor with tenure, 2022-present. Learning and Instruction (Graduate School of Education); joint appointment in Computer Science and Engineering (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences); courtesy appointment in Information Sciences. Director, University at Buffalo Institute for Learning Sciences.
New York University, New York, NY
Associate Professor with tenure of Educational Communications and Technology, NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, 2008-2022. Affiliate faculty, Integrated Digital Media, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Affiliate Faculty, Teaching and Learning, NYU Steinhardt. Program Director, 2011-2013. Directed four graduate programs. Launched a new master’s degree program in Games for Learning. Member of governing presidium of new interdisciplinary center MAGNET (Media and Games Network) comprising programs in gaming and media design from four NYU Schools. Led revision of marketing and recruitment, leading to a tripling in applications and a doubling in admissions for master’s programs. Oversaw significant curriculum revisions including addition of fieldwork-based cross-college applied design course; technology special topics course; development of a new two semester MA/MS thesis model; and changes to doctoral curriculum to accommodate smaller, fully funded cohorts.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
Program officer, 2013-2016. Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Research on Learning in Formal & Informal Settings (2013-2014); and Directorate for Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (2015-2016). Selected as a rotator for NSF on Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) assignment (seconded temporarily from NYU). Program lead for Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies Program ($17m p.a.); portfolio also included Advancing Informal STEM Learning, Education Core Research, STEM+Computing Partnerships, and Discovery Research K-12.
U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Program, India and Nepal
Fulbright Scholar, South Asia Regional Research Program to India and Nepal, 2008-2009. Affiliated with Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness, Nepal, and the Uttarakhand Environmental Education Centre, Almora, India, studying sustainability education in rural Himalayan villages and appropriate technologies.
Penn State University, University Park, PA
Assistant Professor, Instructional Systems Program, College of Education, and College of Information Sciences and Technology (Joint Appointment) 2002-2006; Associate Professor with tenure, 2006-2008.
Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA
Research Cognitive and Computer Scientist, 1998-2002. Contributed to over 30 research projects.
Mills College, Oakland, CA
Visiting assistant professor, Computer Science Department, 2000-2002.
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Consulting assistant professor, 1998-2002, Learning, Design, and Technology Program, Stanford University School of Education.
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Graduate Student Researcher, CS Department, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Department of Education in Math Science & Technology, 1992-1998.
Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Dept., Cognitive Science Program, 1991-1992.
SYNTHESIS, A National Engineering Education Coalition
Project Leader. 1994-1995.
Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA
Research Associate, 1994-1995.
MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA
Undergraduate Researcher, 1989, under Seymour Papert.
Public choice award, STEM for All Video Showcase 2019,
Inaugural Fellow, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2017.
STAR Award (Graduate Student Organization, NYU Steinhardt). 2013. For “outstanding mentorship and research that will change the world.” Nominated and selected by graduate students.
Fine Outreach for Science Fellowship, Fine Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
Fulbright Fellowship (South Asia Regional Research Fellowship), 2008-2009.
LAI 663 Sociocultural theories of learning
CSE 714 Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Design
LAI 649 Learning theories
LAI 688 Special Topics: Professional practice in the Learning Sciences
EDCT-GE 3312 Design-based research methods, pilot methodology course (doctoral level, designed course).
EDCT-GE 2015 User experience design, introductory human-computer interaction course (masters’ level).
EDCT-GE 2175 Foundations of the Learning Sciences, doctoral/master’s core course.
EDCT-GE 2095 Educational communication and technology research, capstone MA thesis supervision.
EDCT-GE 3311 Content Seminar: Research in Instructional Technology, doctoral core social science research methods overview.
EDCT-GE 2174 Introduction to Cognitive Science, doctoral/master’s core course.
EDCT-GE 2158 Educational Design for Media Environments, introductory instructional design methods course.
EDCT-GE 2500 Videogames and Play in Education, introductory seminar on game studies, playful learning, and game design.
EDCT-GE 2177 Advanced applications of WWW in Education.
EDCT-GE 2251 Applications of WWW in Education.
EDCT-GE 2031 New approaches to digital learning: educational technology in global contexts (Proposed and designed course).
Faculty Resource Network: Collaborative technologies in the classroom (non-credit course for faculty professional development from the 50+ college Faculty Resource Network, designed course)
PSU 017, Freshman seminar in Information Sciences.
INSYS 597A, Design-Based Research Methods, graduate methods seminar. (Proposed and designed course)
IST 501, Integration of Theory and Methods in Information Sciences and Technology, graduate proseminar which prepares IST grad students for candidacy exam.
INSYS 545, Research in Instructional Computing, required methods course on experimental design for INSYS doctoral students.
INSYS 549, Design Methods for Emerging Technologies in Learning.
TELS Design, experimental multi-site graduate seminar on design methods for emerging technologies in learning. Co-taught with Yael Kali (Technion, Israel) to students at Penn State, UC Berkeley, Arizona State, University of Toronto, Technion, North Carolina Central University, and Mills College. (Co-designed course)
Training and Resources for Assembling Interactive Learning Systems (TRAILS), experimental coordinated grad/undergrad course in IST and Education. Selected for one of two TRAILS course awards by national competition. (Designed course)
IST 110, Introduction to Information Sciences (freshman-level survey course on MIS and Information Science).
IST 331, Organization and Design of Information Systems User and Systems Principles, junior-level undergraduate course on human-computer interaction and interfaces.
INSYS 594, Research Apprenticeship. (Proposed and designed course model which became a core doctoral requirement)
TELS Assessment, collaborative multi-institutional course on learning assessments for science education and technology. (Co-led course)
CS062 Contemporary Computing, intro to CS for nonmajors incorporating core CS concepts such as networking, data representation, basic programming, artificial intelligence, and cryptography (Designed course).
CS280 Special Topics: Human-computer Interaction, graduate course for computer science majors on HCI design and research (Proposed and designed course).
DML Commons 2015. Guest speaker in open course on Design Research on the topic of Design-Based Research Methods.
Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information, New Brunswick 2011. Guest speaker in Informatics/Information Technology course on Gender and Technology.
National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan 2011. Guest speaker in a course on science education on the role of educational technology in science teaching.
Hong Kong University 2010. Taught a one day workshop Design-Based Research; attendees included faculty, graduate students, instructional designers, teachers, and government policymakers.
CLTNet (National Science Foundation Network of Centers for Learning & Teaching) 2006. Co-taught a six week online short course with Michael Ranney for doctoral students on the postdoctoral job search process. Weekly synchronous sessions of 3-4 hours plus asynchronous sessions.
National Institute of Education, Singapore 2005. Taught a graduate-level short course on Design-Based Research; attendees included faculty, graduate students, instructional designers, teachers, and government policymakers.
Pennsylvania Governor’s School for Information Technology 2005. Worked with two graduate students to design and deliver a month-long community service course on information technology design via massively-multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMPORGs) for gifted high-school students. Students developed IT-based community service projects in support of diversity.
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) institute, Penn State 2005. Designed and cotaught with two graduate students a week-long course on IT and gaming for high-school girls.
Maharastra Education Society, Pune, India 2004. Taught workshops on using technology in K-12 science and mathematics teaching through Shikshan Prabodhini teacher development institute of the Maharastra Education Society, one of the largest school systems in India.
School of Education, U.C. Berkeley, Fall 1993. Course steering committee for Seminar on Interactive Multimedia. Co-taught, helped organize course readings, demonstrations, and activities for graduate seminar EMST223B-6.
Cognitive Science Program, U.C. Berkeley, Fall 1992. Teaching assistant for Introduction to Cognitive Science.
Computer Science Department, U.C. Berkeley, Graduate Student Instructor. Fall 1991-Spring 1992. Teaching assistant for Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Helped revise course materials for collaborative learning approach.
Exploration Summer Program, Wellesley College, Instructor/Residential Advisor. Summer 1990, 1991. Taught courses Science Experimentation, Kitchen Chemistry, Senses and Perception, and Sound and Acoustics to 11-14-year-olds. Directly responsible for 20 middle school students as a residential advisor.
Experimental Study Group, M.I.T., Tutor. 1988-1991 (part-time). Taught M.I.T. undergraduates single and multivariate calculus, mechanics, electromagnetism, computer science, and philosophy of science. Developed a graphics-based preparatory course in computer science.
Fabio Cerqueira Campos (advisor; June Ahn, co-advisor).
Utopia and Imagination as Critical Civic Pedagogies for Marginalized Youth (2024), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Communications & Technology, NYU.
Sharon Favaro Ince (co-promoter (adviser)); Paul Kirschner, Open University of the Netherlands, promoter). Assistant Dean of Information Technology and Collection Services/Associate Professor of Libraries, Seton Hall University.
Information Flow: Examining Integration of Library Resources and New Tools and Technology to Support the Doctoral Education Students’ Research Workflows (2023), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands.
Claire Kearney-Volpe (co-adviser; Amy Hurst, Occupational Therapy, lead adviser). Senior UX researcher and head of accessibility research, Verizon.
Accessible Web Development (2021), Ph.D. dissertation in Rehabilitation Sciences, NYU.
AJ Kelton, Director of Digital Media CoLab, Montclair State University.
Formation and Composition of Students Groups as a Teaching Methodology (2018), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Communication & Technology, NYU.
Dixie Ching, User Experience Researcher, Google.
“Now I Can Actually Do What I Want”: Understanding How Adolescents Leverage Their Social Learning Ecologies To Pursue Interest-Driven Learning And Practice-Linked Identities Connected To Digital Media Making (2016), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Communication & Technology, NYU.
Ralph Vacca, Assistant Prof. of Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University.
Cultivating Situated Mindfulness In Everyday Life: A Design-Based Study Of A Mobile Approach (2016), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Communication & Technology, NYU. (Paper based on dissertation won Best Paper award at ACM Interaction Design for Children 2017 conference.)
Owen Gottlieb, Associate Professor of Interactive Games & Media, Rochester Institute of Technology (co-adviser; Bob Chazan, Jewish Studies, lead adviser).
Mobile, Location-Based Game Design For Teaching Jewish History: A Design-Based Research Study (2015), Ph.D. dissertation in Education and Jewish Studies. (Game developed for his dissertation nominated as Most Innovative Game of 2013 by the Games for Change Conference.)
Gabriela Richard, Associate Professor of Learning, Media and Technology; and Math Science and Learning Technologies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Understanding gender, context, and game culture for the development of equitable digital games and learning environments (2013), Ph.D. dissertation in Educational Communication & Technology, NYU. (Paper based on dissertation won best student paper award for SIG:Learning Sciences and SIG:Advanced Technologies for Learning at the American Educational Research Association 2014 meeting).
Joshua Kirby, National Board Certified Counselor; previously, Assistant Professor of Education, Penn State.
To Make Their Journey Better: Research-Focused Aspirations for Preparing Adult Volunteers for Facilitating Positive Youth Development (2010), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Kuo-Chuan (Martin) Yeh, Associate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State Brandywine.
Toward understanding the cognitive processes of software design in novice programmers (2009), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Joey Lee, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Games Research Lab; Communication, Media, & Learning Technologies Design, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Understanding How Identity Supportive Games Can Impact Ethnic Minority Possible Selves and Learning: A Design-Based Research Study (2009), Ph.D. dissertation in Information Sciences & Technology, Penn State.
Sameer Honwad, Assistant Professor of Learning and Instruction, University at Buffalo (SUNY).
Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Decision Making by Communities in the Kumoan Himalayas (2009), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Charles D. (Charlie) Cox, Assistant Teaching Professor of Engineering Design, Penn State University (retired).
Legitimization Of Subject Matter In An Undergraduate Architectural Design Program: A Cultural And Systems Theory Analysis (2009), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Joel Galbraith, Online Programs Director, Ensign College.
The Effects of Socially Relevant Representations on Learning, Social Presence and Interaction for Students in Online, Self-Directed Learning Settings (2007), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Fengfeng Ke, Professor, Educational Psychology, Florida State University.
Computer-based game playing within alternative classroom goal structures on fifth-graders’ math learning outcomes: Cognitive, metacognitive, and affective evaluation and interpretation (2006), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
Lt. Col. Peter Kilner (ret.), Academy Professor and Deputy Director of the Center for the Advancement of Leader Development and Organizational Learning, USMA (West Point) (retired).
The Effects Of Socially Relevant Representations In Content On Members’ Identities Of Participation And Willingness To Contribute In Distributed Communities Of Practice (2006), Ph.D. dissertation in Instructional Systems, Penn State.
2021-2023. The Computing With Multiliteracies Partnership. PI, George Lucas Educational Foundation. ($200k)
2021-2023. CT-CS: Integrating Computational Thinking into English, Language Arts, and Math. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($900k)
2018-2022. Participating in Literacies and Computer Science. PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.25m)
2017-2020. Leveraging Multilingualism to Support Computer Science Education through Translanguaging Pedagogies. PI, National Science Foundation. ($300k)
2016-2018. Hive Research Laboratory Research Practice Partnership. Co-PI, Spencer Foundation. ($370k)
2015-2016. Mi Miente: An app for mindfulness and emotional resilience for young Latinas. Competition prize for my advisee; faculty PI, Voto Latino Foundation via HASTAC/UC Irvine, ($45k)
2013-2016. The Hive Research Laboratory. Co-PI, NY Community Trust (with support from Mozilla Foundation and MacArthur Foundation). ($150k)
2011-2012. Training the next generation of learning scientists: CSCL Workshop Support. PI, National Science Foundation. ($20k)
2010-2013. From Learning to Research: Developing Future Earth System Scientists and Professionals. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.2m)
2010-2012. Doctoral Dissertation Research: Impact of the Social Context of Video Games on the Self Efficacy, Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Female Players, and Its Implications. Training grant for my advisee; Faculty PI, National Science Foundation. ($10k)
2009-2012. Information Futures. Faculty PI on grant originally obtained by Dean Carol Mandel and NYU libraries from a private donor.
2008-2011. Anticipatory Learning for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Sub-saharan Africa. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($750k)
2004-2007. Building a Learning Community for Himalayan Sustainability. PI, Penn State Children, Youth and Families Consortium, additional funding provided by Penn State’s Colleges of IST, Education, and Arts & Architecture; and by the Global Fund. ($20k)
2006-2008. Analyzing the Flow of Network-Embedded Expertise in Schools: A Longitudinal Study of Individual and Organizational Change. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($550k)
2004-2005. Training and Resources for Assembling Interactive Learning Systems (TRAILS). Awarded subcontract through open national competition, National Science Foundation. ($3.2m)
2003-2008. Technology-enhanced learning in science (TELS): the educational accelerator. Subaward PI, National Science Foundation. ($10.8m)
2003-2006. Exploration Of A Social Capital Framework For Studies Of Technology Integration. Subaward PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.3m)
1998-2002. CILT Knowledge Network. Project Director (Other Senior Personnel), National Science Foundation and Intel via Center for Innovative Learning Technologies. ($5.8m)
2000-2002. Collaborative Learning in Audio Engineering. co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($415k)
2000-2001. The Learning, Design, and Technology Underground: A Collaborative Institute for Early-Career Scholars on Design-Based Research Methods. PI, Spencer Foundation. ($400k)
Series Editor, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Book Series, Springer 2009-present, (co-editor with Naomi Miyake until her death in 2015).
Editorial board, Journal of Information and Learning Science (2018-present), Journal of Science Education and Technology (2004-present), International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (2005-present), Journal of the Learning Sciences (2000-2004).
Publication chair and editor, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 1999 Conference, Palo Alto, CA.
Reviewer for American Educational Research Journal, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Cognition and Instruction, Educational Technology Research and Development, Interactive Learning Environments, Interacting with Computers, International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Learning and Instruction, Science Education, Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
Program committee: EuroCSCL 2001 Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands; Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2002 Conference, Boulder, 2005, Taipei, 2012, Madison; International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2004, Santa Monica; International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2004, Jonesuu, Finland; International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2005, Singapore, 2006, Beijing China, 2007, Hiroshima, Japan, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009, Hong Kong, 2011, Chang Mai, Thailand; International Association of Science and Technology for Development Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (IASTED CATE) 2008, Greece; 2009, US Virgin Islands; International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2013, Aachen, Germany, Learning at Scale 2014, Atlanta, CSCL 2019, Cyberlearning 2019.
Doctoral consortium co-chair, ICLS 2002 Conference, Seattle; Workshops co-chair, ICLS 2006 Conference, Bloomington, Indiana. Doctoral consortium co-chair, CSCL 2007, Rutgers, New Jersey. Program chair, AERA 2008 Division C Section 5 (Learning Environments), Interactive events co-chair, CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece. Associate Chair for CHI 2010, Atlanta. Doctoral consortium co-chair, CSCL 2011, Hong Kong.
Reviewer for AERA, Cognitive Science, Empirical Studies of Programmers, HICSS, ICIS, ACM CSCW (in addition to program committee reviewing).
Computer Science Teachers Association
American Educational Research Association
Chair, AERA SIG Education in Science and Technology (now SIG Learning Sciences), 1998-1999
Secretary/Treasurer for AERA Special Interest Groups Education in Science and Technology and Advanced Technologies for Learning, 1997-1998.
Member, Division C Nominations Committee, 2003-2004.
International Society for the Learning Sciences
Co-founder, 1998-2002.
President, 2002-2003, past-president 2003-2004.
Member, Board of Directors (elected twice) 2002-2003, 2003-2006, 2006-2011
Member, CSCL Community Committee (elected twice), 2004-2007, 2007-2010
Publications co-chair, 2006-2008, member of Publications Committee 2004-2012, 2018-2022.
Nominations co-chair, 2006-2007, Chair 2012-2013.
Conference chair, ISLS 2024 Annual Meeting.
Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST)
Advisory Board, Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education, 2021-present.
Consultant, Maharashtra Education Society, supporting COVID-19 response in Maharashtra state (volunteer role), 2020.
Invited participant, workshop on assessment of computational thinking, ICER 2019, Toronto Canada.
Thought partner, National Center for Research Practice Partnerships workshop on graduate education for RPPs, July 2019, Blaine WA.
Educational Advisory Board Member, CSNYC Foundation, 2016-2017.
Invited Participant, US White House Office of Science and Technology Policy summit on the future of Research and Development in Learning Technologies, October 6, 2016.
Invited Participant, US White House summit on the future of Educational Assessment (facilitated by the US Department of Education), December 7, 2016
Consultant to Breakthrough Collaborative, Haas Jr. Foundation, 2013.
Member of Standing Committee on Assessment Design for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) first ever Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, administered through ETS, 2010-2013.
Affiliated Scholar, National Academy of Engineering, Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education, 2006-2013.
Participant, UNESCO High Level Expert Meeting on Rethinking Education in a Changing World, Bangkok, 2012.
Member of external review committee, NASA GLOBE program office, 2007-2008, 2016.
In addition to the above, served as a program officer for the US National Science Foundation 2013-2016. Supported development of new program solicitations, contributed to policy development on White House Computer Science for All initiative, strategies for integrating Cyberlearning and Smart and Connected Communities, and mentored two postdoctoral AAAS Policy Fellows and two Albert Einstein Teacher Policy Fellows.
External dissertation committee member, Sara Vogel, Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center, 2017-present.
External dissertation examiner, Sdenka Zobeida Salas Pilco, Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Hong Kong University, 2016.
External dissertation committee member, Stacy Branham, Virginia Tech, 2011-2014.
External dissertation examiner (“First opponent”), Rolf Steier, Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, 2013-2014.
Dissertation co-adviser, Sharon Favaro Ince, Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands, 2013-present.
Panelist/reviewer for Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council, US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, Russell Sage Foundation, Spencer Foundation, National Research Foundation of Singapore, Belgian National Research Foundation (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek), Israeli Science Foundation.
Member, Pedagogy and Design Subcommittee, UB Instructional Facilities Steering Committee.
Program co-director, PhD program in Curriculum, Instruction, and Science of Learning, UB Graduate School of Education, 2022-2024.
Chair, search committee, Learning Sciences cluster hire, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2022-2023.
Representative, MAGNET Presidium, 2021-present.
Member, ALT departmental committee on global curriculum efforts, 2021-present.
Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2021-2022.
Member, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2021-2022.
Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member 2019-2020.
Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2018-2019.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering IDM Online Committee (overseeing online offerings within the IDM Major), 2017-present.
Search committee member, Integrated Digital Media, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, search for academic head of online programs (clinical faculty), 2017-2018.
Personnel (P&T) Committee, Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology, 2017-2020.
Participant, Thought-leader Conference on Digital Education Research, New York University, 2013. (Participants from NYU, Gates Foundation, Sloan Consortium, ITHAKA, etc.)
Advisory Board, Bronx Academy for Software Engineering (High school, NYC Department of Education), 2013.
MAGNET (Media and Games Network) Presidium member, 2013.
MAGNET Facility Design/Planning committee, 2012-2013. (see for details.)
NYU Bobst Libraries Advisory Board member, 2013.
Chair, Committee On Computer Science Education at NYU Steinhardt, 2013.
Program Director, NYU Educational Communication and Technology Programs, 2011-2013. Revised curriculum and launched new major. More than doubled student matriculations.
Member of NYU Provost’s Committee on Technology Classrooms and Learning Space, 2011-2013.
Search committee member, Media Culture and Communication Department clinical faculty search in computational literacy, 2013-2014.
Search committee member, Media Culture and Communication Department tenure-track search, 2012-2013.
Personnel (P&T) Committee, Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology, 2010-2012 (elected position).
Faculty adviser to Penn State University student organization Association for South Asian Research, 2006-2008.
Member of faculty search committee, Penn State Instructional Systems program, 2007-2008.
Penn State College of Education, Diversity and Community Enhancement Committee, 2004-2007.
Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology, Graduate Recruiting Committee, 2006 (elected position).
Full publications and presentations list available at