Curriculum Vitae: Christopher Hoadley

University at Buffalo
583 Baldy Hall
Buffalo NY 14260 USA
+1 (716) 645-7787




Courses Taught

University at Buffalo

New York University

Penn State University

Stanford University

Mills College

Other Teaching

Prior Ph.D. Advisees


2021-2023. The Computing With Multiliteracies Partnership. PI, George Lucas Educational Foundation. ($200k)

2021-2023. CT-CS: Integrating Computational Thinking into English, Language Arts, and Math. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($900k)

2018-2022. Participating in Literacies and Computer Science. PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.25m)

2017-2020. Leveraging Multilingualism to Support Computer Science Education through Translanguaging Pedagogies. PI, National Science Foundation. ($300k)

2016-2018. Hive Research Laboratory Research Practice Partnership. Co-PI, Spencer Foundation. ($370k)

2015-2016. Mi Miente: An app for mindfulness and emotional resilience for young Latinas. Competition prize for my advisee; faculty PI, Voto Latino Foundation via HASTAC/UC Irvine, ($45k)

2013-2016. The Hive Research Laboratory. Co-PI, NY Community Trust (with support from Mozilla Foundation and MacArthur Foundation). ($150k)

2011-2012. Training the next generation of learning scientists: CSCL Workshop Support. PI, National Science Foundation. ($20k)

2010-2013. From Learning to Research: Developing Future Earth System Scientists and Professionals. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.2m)

2010-2012. Doctoral Dissertation Research: Impact of the Social Context of Video Games on the Self Efficacy, Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Female Players, and Its Implications. Training grant for my advisee; Faculty PI, National Science Foundation. ($10k)

2009-2012. Information Futures. Faculty PI on grant originally obtained by Dean Carol Mandel and NYU libraries from a private donor.

2008-2011. Anticipatory Learning for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Sub-saharan Africa. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($750k)

2004-2007. Building a Learning Community for Himalayan Sustainability. PI, Penn State Children, Youth and Families Consortium, additional funding provided by Penn State’s Colleges of IST, Education, and Arts & Architecture; and by the Global Fund. ($20k)

2006-2008. Analyzing the Flow of Network-Embedded Expertise in Schools: A Longitudinal Study of Individual and Organizational Change. Co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($550k)

2004-2005. Training and Resources for Assembling Interactive Learning Systems (TRAILS). Awarded subcontract through open national competition, National Science Foundation. ($3.2m)

2003-2008. Technology-enhanced learning in science (TELS): the educational accelerator. Subaward PI, National Science Foundation. ($10.8m)

2003-2006. Exploration Of A Social Capital Framework For Studies Of Technology Integration. Subaward PI, National Science Foundation. ($1.3m)

1998-2002. CILT Knowledge Network. Project Director (Other Senior Personnel), National Science Foundation and Intel via Center for Innovative Learning Technologies. ($5.8m)

2000-2002. Collaborative Learning in Audio Engineering. co-PI, National Science Foundation. ($415k)

2000-2001. The Learning, Design, and Technology Underground: A Collaborative Institute for Early-Career Scholars on Design-Based Research Methods. PI, Spencer Foundation. ($400k)

Editorial Positions

Series Editor, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Book Series, Springer 2009-present, (co-editor with Naomi Miyake until her death in 2015).

Editorial board, Journal of Information and Learning Science (2018-present), Journal of Science Education and Technology (2004-present), International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (2005-present), Journal of the Learning Sciences (2000-2004).

Publication chair and editor, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 1999 Conference, Palo Alto, CA.

Reviewer for American Educational Research Journal, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Cognition and Instruction, Educational Technology Research and Development, Interactive Learning Environments, Interacting with Computers, International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Learning and Instruction, Science Education, Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

Program committee: EuroCSCL 2001 Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands; Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2002 Conference, Boulder, 2005, Taipei, 2012, Madison; International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2004, Santa Monica; International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2004, Jonesuu, Finland; International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2005, Singapore, 2006, Beijing China, 2007, Hiroshima, Japan, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009, Hong Kong, 2011, Chang Mai, Thailand; International Association of Science and Technology for Development Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (IASTED CATE) 2008, Greece; 2009, US Virgin Islands; International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2013, Aachen, Germany, Learning at Scale 2014, Atlanta, CSCL 2019, Cyberlearning 2019.

Doctoral consortium co-chair, ICLS 2002 Conference, Seattle; Workshops co-chair, ICLS 2006 Conference, Bloomington, Indiana. Doctoral consortium co-chair, CSCL 2007, Rutgers, New Jersey. Program chair, AERA 2008 Division C Section 5 (Learning Environments), Interactive events co-chair, CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece. Associate Chair for CHI 2010, Atlanta. Doctoral consortium co-chair, CSCL 2011, Hong Kong.

Reviewer for AERA, Cognitive Science, Empirical Studies of Programmers, HICSS, ICIS, ACM CSCW (in addition to program committee reviewing).


Service to Professional Societies

Professional/Public Service

Advisory Board, Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education, 2021-present.

Consultant, Maharashtra Education Society, supporting COVID-19 response in Maharashtra state (volunteer role), 2020.

Invited participant, workshop on assessment of computational thinking, ICER 2019, Toronto Canada.

Thought partner, National Center for Research Practice Partnerships workshop on graduate education for RPPs, July 2019, Blaine WA.

Educational Advisory Board Member, CSNYC Foundation, 2016-2017.

Invited Participant, US White House Office of Science and Technology Policy summit on the future of Research and Development in Learning Technologies, October 6, 2016.

Invited Participant, US White House summit on the future of Educational Assessment (facilitated by the US Department of Education), December 7, 2016

Consultant to Breakthrough Collaborative, Haas Jr. Foundation, 2013.

Member of Standing Committee on Assessment Design for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) first ever Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, administered through ETS, 2010-2013.

Affiliated Scholar, National Academy of Engineering, Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education, 2006-2013.

Participant, UNESCO High Level Expert Meeting on Rethinking Education in a Changing World, Bangkok, 2012.

Member of external review committee, NASA GLOBE program office, 2007-2008, 2016.

In addition to the above, served as a program officer for the US National Science Foundation 2013-2016. Supported development of new program solicitations, contributed to policy development on White House Computer Science for All initiative, strategies for integrating Cyberlearning and Smart and Connected Communities, and mentored two postdoctoral AAAS Policy Fellows and two Albert Einstein Teacher Policy Fellows.

External dissertation committee member, Sara Vogel, Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center, 2017-present.

External dissertation examiner, Sdenka Zobeida Salas Pilco, Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Hong Kong University, 2016.

External dissertation committee member, Stacy Branham, Virginia Tech, 2011-2014.

External dissertation examiner (“First opponent”), Rolf Steier, Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, 2013-2014.

Dissertation co-adviser, Sharon Favaro Ince, Educational Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands, 2013-present.

Panelist/reviewer for Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council, US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, Russell Sage Foundation, Spencer Foundation, National Research Foundation of Singapore, Belgian National Research Foundation (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek), Israeli Science Foundation.

University Service

Member, Pedagogy and Design Subcommittee, UB Instructional Facilities Steering Committee.

Program co-director, PhD program in Curriculum, Instruction, and Science of Learning, UB Graduate School of Education, 2022-2024.

Chair, search committee, Learning Sciences cluster hire, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2022-2023.

Representative, MAGNET Presidium, 2021-present.

Member, ALT departmental committee on global curriculum efforts, 2021-present.

Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2021-2022.

Member, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2021-2022.

Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member 2019-2020.

Chair, ad-hoc departmental third year pretenure review committee for one faculty member, 2018-2019.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering IDM Online Committee (overseeing online offerings within the IDM Major), 2017-present.

Search committee member, Integrated Digital Media, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, search for academic head of online programs (clinical faculty), 2017-2018.

Personnel (P&T) Committee, Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology, 2017-2020.

Participant, Thought-leader Conference on Digital Education Research, New York University, 2013. (Participants from NYU, Gates Foundation, Sloan Consortium, ITHAKA, etc.)

Advisory Board, Bronx Academy for Software Engineering (High school, NYC Department of Education), 2013.

MAGNET (Media and Games Network) Presidium member, 2013.

MAGNET Facility Design/Planning committee, 2012-2013. (see for details.)

NYU Bobst Libraries Advisory Board member, 2013.

Chair, Committee On Computer Science Education at NYU Steinhardt, 2013.

Program Director, NYU Educational Communication and Technology Programs, 2011-2013. Revised curriculum and launched new major. More than doubled student matriculations.

Member of NYU Provost’s Committee on Technology Classrooms and Learning Space, 2011-2013.

Search committee member, Media Culture and Communication Department clinical faculty search in computational literacy, 2013-2014.

Search committee member, Media Culture and Communication Department tenure-track search, 2012-2013.

Personnel (P&T) Committee, Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology, 2010-2012 (elected position).

Faculty adviser to Penn State University student organization Association for South Asian Research, 2006-2008.

Member of faculty search committee, Penn State Instructional Systems program, 2007-2008.

Penn State College of Education, Diversity and Community Enhancement Committee, 2004-2007.

Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology, Graduate Recruiting Committee, 2006 (elected position).


Full publications and presentations list available at